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Private coaching for women who want to have the clarity and confidence to shift into doing work that is more fulfilling without completely disrupting their family or finances.

Who Is Best Suited
To Succeed In This Program?

  • You are a career-driven woman

  • You want to do more meaningful & purposeful work

  • You want to reconnect with yourself

  • You don't want to disrupt your family in the process

  • You hold yourself accountable

This Program Is Not For You If:

  • You are just looking to update your resume or job hunt

  • You are constantly late to meetings

  • You frequently cancel your appointments

  • You don't follow through on commitments

  • You don't actively use digital calendar and/or electronic communication tools

Here's How The Program Works:

  • 16 Weeks Total

  • 8 Zoom Sessions Every Other Week

  • 60-Minute Sessions

  • Email & Text Support In-Between Sessions

  • Reflection Assignments In-Between Sessions

The Coaching Process:


01. Define Your Unique Strengths & Values

We begin with a  VIA Character Strengths Assessment & analysis. Using the analysis, we discuss what’s important to you & identify and label your specific values.

We will then use coaching tools to drill down to the root of the problem and clearly define and label your unmet needs.

 Assigning labels to your values and needs allows you to use the proper tools and make intentional decisions.


02. Shift Perspectives & Set Purposeful Intentions

During this step, we will use coaching tools such as Self-Reflection Surveys, the Me-Vision Diagram, and Word of the Year intentions. 


These tools will help you to shift your perspective of self, construct a vision of what you want your life to look like, and stay focused on your intentions in your daily life.

We focus on setting intentions vs. goal setting because this gives you the freedom to be more flexible and in flow.


03. Practice Awareness & Alignment in Daily Life

You will practice using the tools and processes you’ve learned to keep you in alignment with your needs, values,  and intentions daily.

When you choose what to do based on what’s important to you (your values) you will see new opportunities in a different light because you are able to tie them back to your values.  

Decisions will be easier and effortless because you are in alignment and there is no resistance.

The Results:

This process is what I have used to successfully integrate a highly selective French engineering school in 2 years (instead of 3 years), complete my PhD degree in 3 years and land my dream job in the pharmaceutical industry coming from a material science background.

I have also helped my current clients to apply this process and achieve amazing results like getting their next promotion, making decisions better aligned with their values, finding more clarity on what their next step would be in their career, and more…


The investment to work together is one-time payment of 2,200 USD (or 4 installments of 600 USD each). This is an amazing opportunity to reconnect with who you are, identify your needs and intentions, and move with clarity into a more fulfilling career and personal live without disrupting your family or finances in the process.

You will have direct access to me on bi-weekly basis, customized resources, and high touch support through email and text.

If you are ready to move forward in your work and life with intention and confidence, then schedule a free call with me!

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